Today we* gather again and had a lunch with ernest the cutie,i feel that today so happy and spent the most of time together and chitz chatz.Around 12.45pm we go tzim tong and chitz chatz chitz chatz makan makan till 5.30pm,wuishehh.....time so long...haha...(ernest belanja us makan,thank ernest) After go tzim tong,ernest fetch us back home and suet ling staid my home till 06.45pm only back home.And 8.30pm my sister fetch me and my mom go jusco,bought some can eat,drinks,shampoo and bought some sushi "Mix Ebikko,Black Ebikko,Ebi and Marugo" nice~ After that go mc'donald bought choco top ice-cream.And as last i PROMISE my sister that when i'm birthday will buy Baskin Robbin to her and my money already loooo...."faint faint faint faint faint"
*Suet Ling,Iris,Mun Teng,Me and Jenny.
= Lee Choo =
= Byez =
= good night =
The same thing 08.40am go church,worship and sunday discipleship class till 1.30pm.After that we go makan together,reached there (zap fan dong) yenteng and me walking back to my house a while.When we wanna back to find them* suddenly raining =.=" ,and i call jenny say we never go makan with her already.So,yenteng call and tell she mom that staid my house till after fellowship.After the call,yenteng so happy that she mom let her staid and she suddenly dancing =.='' ,because she too happy..."faint" Around 3pm,munteng and jenny come my house again~ both of them go my room sing k again with my sister...=.=" of course me and yenteng in the living room online!online!online! hahaha...yenteng become naughty naughty already har,kacau me till never stop one..."faint!faint!faint!" type many thing to my friends,make my friends blur already.Donno why i already become different one,hahaha...Munteng,jenny and my sister in room sing k sing k,yenteng and me online!online!online! 6.25pm we all go fellowship night already and 10.10pm i'm reached home.
*jenny,munteng,suet ling,wing,johnlian,ah seng,ernest,eemay,esther,wai loon,wen cheong,cyrus,linus,ritchie and henry.
= thats all =
= damn boring =
= Lee Choo =
= byez =
= good night =
Today i skip school again and holiday is coming soon.And my Mummy said:" No need go school already laaa,holiday coming soon.Skip two day,skip two day..." Weird~ :p after that i go and do home work and 12.30pm online chit chat and find something to do.Then 12.45pm suet ling's sign in msn and of course we chat.And suet ling told me that she at munteng's house,and later wanna came my house :D About 1.30pm they reached my house and sure we will chit chat together leee.5pm suet ling's and munteng's needs to go tuition already.Suddenly!Munteng's called me:" Wanna go makan or not?",of course i will ask:" You all never go tuition meh?" and munteng's said:"Today no tuition already leee..." then i asked:"Where are you now?",munteng's:"The Store..." and me answer:" Ok leee,i coming now..."funny right?haha...i think so (tak tahu malu hor?) :p We go makan and chit chat till 06pm and planned where we want to go?As last planned to go my house...=.="' Reached home,they go my room and suetling's practice she song item(a while).And of course,we Sing K laaa....(nak tunggu apa ni) LOL sang sang sang,sang till 07.30pm and suetling's wanna go back home already!But is too late and dark laaa.WALKING man...cannot laaa!So i ask suetling's staid untill 09.30pm and my sister fetch back,then she said ok.And we continued to online and also chit chat till 09.30pm and my sister fetch them back home already.Thats all about today...i think that tomoro they wanna come my house :DThats all today laaa....happy~ today thank you ya,pretty cutie gal :-suet ling-mun teng-winggood night,have a good rest.= lee choo=
As last i got Castle Thingi picture...weee~~Enjoyed...= lee choo =good nightbyez~
Today 01pm my sister told me to go Times Square with her and also fetch my brother,because he working there.Reached Time Square and my brother go working,me with my sister go shopping.And we bought Baoz,Princess Mononoke DVD,"Tong sui",Nasi Lemak,Egg Tart and go Cold Storage for while.Thats the picture,enjoyed....~
Thats all leee...
= lee choo =
LOL...i saw this when i check my mail...damn funny one..haha...
Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?
Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!
Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller : I'm Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent.
Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller : Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.
Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgen t matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Caller : You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator : I'm Saw Lee (Sorry).
Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!
~13/09/2008~ Today i woke up on 09.15am,and 10am i went to restaurant with my mom till 10.30am.About 11.15am we prepare something for the trip.Drink,food and something that can ate one...hehehe...Around 12pm,we move on to "pudu raya" bought bus ticket and take bus to p.penang,the bus 1.30pm will be reached there.And 1pm i went to "chi cheong gai" with my sis,because the bus is not yet reached.And my mom wait us inside the pudu station,so lugubrious.We two go "chi cheong gai" bought "tau fu fa","tong sui" and "gao zi".Of course,we bought for mom also la.1.20pm we back pudu and take bus to p.penang.On the way to p.penang,me slept a while.And 04.30pm we reached ipoh rest station,and we bought corned,one bag of salted peanuts and also take picture.After that continued to p.penang,around 6pm we reached butterworh.And take bus to grandma house at "permatang tinggi".On the way to permatang tinggi,i saw rainbow and take picture.7pm reached grandma house,so tired!!When reached grandma house,no one there...=.="' Could all gone church already.10.30pm their back,and supper thn go to bed.
07.15am woke up,brush teeth,bath and wore nicely.And wait my cousin came and fetch us go to Taiping,that my aunt house.And my cousin is the bridegroom,11am bridegroom gone to visited bride,and me staid at aunt house.Around 11.30pm bridegroom and bride reached aunt house and all their friends,cousin,aunt came and had a buffet together.Around 3pm all is gone,and me,sis,mom,four aunt and also all children staid at elder aunt house bath and wore nicely for the wedding dinner.3pm-6pm all is staid in living room watch television,somebody slept.7pm on the way to a cafeteria for wedding dinner.Wedding dinner i drunk 4 and half cup of red wine
:p and ends on 11.35pm.And we gone back to aunt house took bag and prepare to back grandma house,when we're gone to outside,one of my cousin shouts so loud.Because she daughter,my cousin too(shan shan,3years old,a pretty and clever girls).Suddenly fell down and she face suddenly fell too.Shan shan is frighten us,and my uncle held her and call her don fell asleep.My uncle brought shan shan go hospital and check.When shan shan on the way to hospital,my elder aunt and also my cousin cry and prayed for the Lord hope that shan shan alright.Around 12.10pm shan shan is back!She's nothing,just inside she body was steaming hot,and not enough sleep.After that we'r back to grandma house and go to bed.~15/09/2008~ Im woke up on 09.15am and my aunt call grandma and told yesterday 2am shan shan woke up and call she mom brought her to kitchen many times already.Shan shan cant walking,could she sick.Thn shan shan told she mom,kitchen got people call shan shan,shan shan wanna go there.My aunt their think that shan shan grandpa(my uncle) call her,could she grandpa car is behind kitchen(shan shan grandpa passed away this years).So that my another uncle brought the car to front.Scary!!After that i went to bath and watch television,really nothing to do there!Could kampung-kampung one.No shopping centre around permatang tinggi,need drove far a bit.Afternoon,about 6pm my cousin brought me and my sis go around permatang tinggi.And buy some biscuit and candy.After that we went back grandma house,bath and prepare to went back KL.10.45pm my uncle brought us go bus station wait KL bus.Mixx KL,no no no!mixx my house and my computer!!!!Bus 11.30pm reached,on the way to KL,bus really so so so cold...=.=" and i slept,slept till 04.30am my sis call woke up,could the bus is reached rest station,but i dunwan.And me wanna continued sleep,so i never follow them go down.05.20am we'r reached KL.Happy!!!Thn we take Texi back home,and 05.40pm reached home...~end~
*╭╮ ╭╮ ╭╮ ││ ││ │└╮ ╭┴┴─┴Ⅲ╮ └─╯ │ ﹋ ﹋ │ ╭───── ──╮ │ ∩ ∩ │ ╭╮│☆中 秋 節 快 樂☆ │ │ ▽ │O╰╯╰───── ──╯ ╰─m∞m ─╯ ╭╮☆╭╧╮╭╧╮╭╧╮╭╧╮╭ ☆〞 ╰幸╮║送│║你│║祝│║福│╰ ╮ ☆╰福╘ ∞ ╛ ╘ ∞╛╘ ∞ ╛╘ ∞ ╛☆ 樂 讓開 讓開 ╭══╮ ╭╯ΘΘ ║ ╰⊙═⊙╯ 送月餅囉 中秋 快 樂
Today i go Time Square again with my sister and mother.Thn we go to cinema watched "Money Not Enough II",this show really so funny and also so touched.When funny i laugh till cant stop,when affected i cry.Because really so touched,i think if you all going to watched sure will cry too.After the show,we go and buy Baskin Robbins(chocolate cookie favour)...yummy yummy...!After that go pandan indah Kuan Cafe makan,will show you the picture ya.Finish eating,my sister fetched us go Food Fair finding something to eat..hahaha...^^thats is the picture...